A better price for your prescription.

Savings on generic and brand-name drugs delivered right to you at the register!

Present your free savings card to your pharmacist for your discount

ID Number

Save this card for all your future medication discounts.

Just Rx is free and simple to use.

Use the same card every trip.

Save on all your medications, brand or generic.

Choose a pharmacy that works for you.

We’ve partnered with nearly 15,000 pharmacies nationwide to offer discounts on prescription medications for you and your family.

Search for your medications to find lowest prices near you

Frequently Asked Questions

About Just Rx

Just Rx is a prescription savings program that makes generic and brand-name prescription medication more affordable and accessible for patients in need.

If you have no insurance or have experienced high out-of-pocket costs for your medication(s) for any reason, Just Rx may be right for you. Please see important eligibility requirements below. We work with pharmaceutical manufacturers directly, which helps to keep medication prices as low as possible.

Just Rx savings card

Pharmacies and Pricing



©2025 Inside Rx, LLC or its licensors. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

JUST RX CARD IS NOT INSURANCE. Cannot be used by persons covered by state- or federal-funded programs such as Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare to purchase generics or value-priced brand medications, even if processed outside the benefit as an uninsured (cash-paying) patient. Must be under 65 to purchase Arnuity® Ellipta®, Breo® Ellipta®, Flovent® Diskus® or Flovent® HFA. Cannot be used with any insurance benefit or copay assistance programs. We are not recommending or endorsing any pharmacy or drug, or providing medical advice. All trademarks associated with pharmacy and drug names are the property of their respective owners. Because pricing shown online is subject to change in real time, we cannot guarantee that the price you pay at the pharmacy will always be the price that is displayed in advance of purchase. Estimated retail prices, where available, reflect average retail prices for cash-paying purchasers based on Inside Rx data, which may change in real time. See full terms.